Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It seems like everytime I turn around..

I am apologizing on here. I said I was going to private this and start posting pictures and by that i'm sure you guys thought I meant soon (correct?). Well it was supposed to be soon, but then there is this thing called the flu that came across our household which put everything on hold! :( Today I will TRY to put some pictures up and private this thing.. but i'm sure you can imagine how my house looks since we've all been sick. yuck! Kyla's feeling better too (so far) so she should be a good picture taker! Let's hope ;)

Edit: I am going to make this easier on myself. Since I didn't realize I had to 'invite' people to my private blog.. if you want to be invited for when I make this blog private give me your email addresses and I will invite you! :) Thank you!


  1. Sorry all of yall have been sick. I really hope kyla wants to take pics. Cant wait to see how cute your little monster is.

  2. My email is :)
