Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This makes my sunday..

When I hear Kyla giggling in the background! She's so happy today! Want to know what else makes my Sunday? Going shopping! It's not going to be much fun, because im forced to leave her with Tyler. He says I don't get out much without her and I need this time to be 'not on mommy duty'. Makes sense.. Because I never get out without her, but it's because I can't stand to be without her! I'm worried I am just going to want to rush home and be with her. I'm so pathetic! haha. I will try to have a good time.. I promise! Update on Kyla: She is going through the 'i want to be independent stage'. It's so darn cute though! She wants to pick out her clothes every day, she picks out her own 'socks' and 'soes', and even wants to walk to the car (NOT CARRIED) and climb in herself. Oh and the most recent thing.. she wants to wipe herself when getting her diaper changed! Where did my little baby go?! I really want to work on potty training her when it gets warm out.. which hopefully will be soon! I've been reading a lot about it online and I think im going to try the three-day training or whatever it's called. Pretty much your letting the child run naked. I think I am going to give that a shot and maybe it will work. Or maybe not. We'll see. I am trying to stay positive though! She is young still (Only seventeen months old) so if she decides she's not ready i'll just wait. I don't want to be one of those parents that drives themselves crazy because their child just isn't catching on. (So if you notice I'm doing that please let me know!) haha. Well I think that's all for now. Hopefully I find some cute stuff for kyla while I'm out shopping!

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