Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 10, 2011

War Time.

Okay, seriously kyla?! Let me tell you this story. From day one kyla has NEVER had a bottle/cup in her bed.. I never associated the two together. She would drink her bottle (or now cup) THEN go to bed. So now why does she put up a fricken fight when I take it away.. and when I say fight I mean fight. She literally grabs a hold of it as hard as she can and screams bloody murder. Where the frick do that come from?? I mean really! She held onto it SO tight tonight that when I let go she smacked herself in the head with it. Where is this coming from?! OH and it doesn't stop there so I'm like sorry I am putting my foot down your not getting this damn cup child. I am the mother and I say so. Well she now wakes up in the middle of the night wanting a cup. Seriously kid?! You haven't gotten up in the middle of the night for a 'drink' (or meal since you were so small) since you were three weeks old. THREE WEEKS! You have been sleeping through the night (without a damn drink) since you were three weeks old.. and now at 16 1/2 almost 17 months you NOW want to wake up in the middle of the night?! Ugh! I am clue less. I am all for the cry-it-out method (judge if you want) but lately that doesn't even work. In the middle of the night she will scream for ATLEAST two hours. It's horrible. I know someone who puts their child to bed with a cup and then when she falls asleep she switches it out with a fresh one so if she wakes up she will drink it and go back to sleep.. and that's fine and dandy for her.. but I don't think I want to start that bad habit. I have worked my ass off for (almost) seventeen months to not get her started on any nasty habits.. (I took the binkie and bottle away before she was one just so I knew she wouldn't get attached) and now I am stuck in this awful dilemma. If anyone has any advice that would be wonderful! I really just needed to vent this all out!

P.S. Kyla I will win this war :)


  1. She is learning her independence and she is going to fight! Switching out the cup is kinda ridiculous...thats just giving in. Our babies do get a cup when they get put in bed....ive told you this before....and my son drinks it in like 5 minutes and then nothing else....then Charleigh just throws it. Only reason she gets one is because kaedyn does...we usually just give her an empty cup. Maybe you could do that...just give her an empty cup. That way she has a cup to hold...sercruity thing maybe. Or you can put something she doesnt like in there and when she goes to drink it she will associate that a cup is "bad or yucky" at night. When we weaned my stubborn daughter off the bottle(I had no idea why she was giving such a fight. she liked her cup...) we put hot sauce(just a little) on the nipple. Unfortunately sh ehas her dads taste buds and wanted more but we tried something else(cant remember what...) and it worked. She no longer wanted it.

  2. I never thought about trying to give her an empty cup. Maybe she does just want something to hold on too.. It sounds strange, but it is definately worth a try! :)
