Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, March 11, 2011


So I got the phone call on Thursday that Tyler and I go the house for rent! Yay! :) We move out April 1st (actually second since the first is a friday), but they keys are ours then. I am pretty excited and nervous all at the same time. Kyla doesn't handle change well... at all! When we travel she gets constipated (every time, it never fails) and she doesn't sleep unless it is in her bed in her room. I thought she would outgrow that as she got older, but she definately didn't. I had to say at tyler's parents a couple weeks ago due to a crap ton of snow and she was up all night. It was ridiculous. She won't even nap anywhere else. It's crazy. This girl thrives on consistency. So to say this is going to be tough on her would be an understatement. On a positive note, moving/packing is great motivation to do some spring cleaning! I have actually thrown so much away today.. I didn't realize how much shit I actually had shoved in closets. Yikes! I also have two boxes packed! One is mine and tyler's summer clothes and the other box is clothes kyla doesn't fit into yet. It's hard to pack this soon, because I might need some of the stuff.. but at the same time I don't want to wait till the last minute either.. So I am just trying to pack what I can.

I also plan on starting kyla on potty training soon (not too soon, obviously, since were moving) I am going to wait until we are all settled their and she is used to it. I started it a little bit when she was 15 months old, but I ended up stopped. She kept getting sick or I was sick and we had that death in the family and stuff so I just put it on hold. I don't want to push something like this on her during stressful situations. Anyways, I am thinking about using those training underwear. I really dislike pull-ups.. because I mean they feel EXACTLY like diapers. How the heck is she going to know the difference? The training underwear feel like big girl underwear, but yet have a little bit of padding to help catch some of it. It also will give her the 'wet feeling'. I am hoping that will help her want to go on the potty. Does anyone have experience with these? I would love the feedback! Since I am kind of looking at those versus the pull-ups I got into the whole reading about cloth diapering stuff. I really regret now not cloth diapering. I feel insane saying that, but I am serious. I have had such a hard time with diapers on kyla. She can only use ONE kind of diaper. With all of those diapers on the market and I can only use one of them. She breaks out bad from all of them. I think I could have saved us a bunch of fuss if I would have atleast tried them. Her doctor said she's probably breaking out from the chemicals used in them (Wow.. chemicals.. that makes me feel like a crappy mom! no wonder she's breaking out i'm putting chemicals on her butt). It's the same way with wipes (but a tad better) I think she can use atleast three different types of wipes (only two brands though.. pampers and huggies). My guess would be pull-ups will probably break her out too. It wouldn't surprise me at all. So I really feel the training underwear are our best options.. and at the same time there are so many brands I don't even know what to choose! :( Maybe this potty training stuff is going to be more stressful to her than it is me...

I didn't really want to ramble that whole time about diapers and rashes and etc. I just wanted to tell everyone our exciting news and mention the training underwear. Sorry for getting a little out of control! I'm sure you forgive me though, right? :) Well I need to get a shower and get ready for bed. Tyler works all weekend so I will probably be stuck at home so i'm sure nothing exciting will happen. I hope everyone else has a great weekend though! :)


  1. When we moved we got rid of a ton of stuff too! It was nice to be able to clean everything out. Like getting a fresh start.

    I'm sort of starting to potty train Grace as well. At this point she is comfortable with sitting on the potty and she knows that it's the "potty" and that it's where you go "pee pee." She is also at the point where she will take her diaper off if it is wet and she well tell me if she has pooped, so she's showing some of the signs. I haven't even thought about pull ups vs. training underwear though. I'll have to look into that more.

  2. My honest opinion is training underwear. We never used pull ups for the same reason. To confusing. I actully started out with the diaper and would just let him wear his diaper and then every 20 minutes put him on the potty and when he went on the potty he got an m&m a m&m machine that sat in the bathroom for that reason. Then when he wouldn't go in his diaper and rather use the potty even if it was just for a reward...we went a step further with underwear...just plain underwear that he got to pick out from the store. We had 3 accidents in 2 days....then nothing and he is potty trained. We are starting to bring him in public with underwear instead of a diaper because when we would bring him in a diaper he was asking to go to the potty...I guess back from when we started with the diaper. Haha!!! It worked out great. I guess you could say that we approached it in away of introducing him to the potty with out taking away what was familiar(the diaper) then when he was use to the potty and really enjoyed the praise and being a big boy we let him pick out underwear and praised him the whole time. He actually learned from the accidents on his own. When he would wet himself he would cry because he didn't like the feeling.
    Sorry I wrote a lot. O and iwe do not mind. We all love hearing just about everything from everybody. We have all grown close to each other on here. Welcome to the club.

  3. I am glad someone else did the whole 'introduce her to the potty while she's still in the diaper'. That's what I did at first and it was working out well! She pee'd on the potty atleast once a day everyday and she always wanted to sit on the potty. After she was done and pee'd I would praise her. It seemed to be working out well. I wanted to take it a step further and let her feel what it was like to be wet because in a diaper she never feels it so I'm sure she thinks getting a diaper change is just me being mean and making her stop playing! haha

    I hope Grace catches on quickly! It's such a bittersweet when potty training. :)

  4. bittersweet moment*. Yikes didn't realize I left that word out haha
