Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm a party pooper.

I'm not going to do that 'ten things' thing. It's not because I don't want anybody to know all the good stuff about me, it's because I can never think of things like that when I'm put on the spot. So if there is anything you want to know about me just ask me! I'll be open :)

The weather is going to be beautiful today so I am excited to take kyla to the park! I am hoping it'll put us both in a good mood. Maybe it will even make her sleep better tonight (boy I hope so). As of right now she is screaming in her crib because I didn't give her a cup. Oh yes, I am THAT mean. It's getting pretty ridiculous.. she is waking up 2-3 in the night for the dang thing. I seriously thought we were out of this stage a long, long time ago. So I'm going to start putting my foot down! :)

I'm sorry I haven't had any pictures up for you guys, but for some reason everytime I take the camera out she runs. She used to love pictures! Another one of her crazy stages..? I hope so! I am really, really going to try to get some pictures at the park! I have to remember to take my camera first haha. I can never remember that thing and pictures on my phone pretty much blow. I don't have one of those awesome smart phones. Ty keeps trying to talk me into them, but I refuse to pay for them. That's another like fifty bucks on our bill.. no thanks!

Remember that quilt I said I really, really wanted to make?! It was a few posts back (cmon you can't forget I dont write THAT much) well here is the link!

Isn't it so pretty! I love, love, love it! Seriously! I want that on my bed. Probably not white though because I doubt it would stay white very long. It really doesn't look/sound hard to do, but I have no crafty skills at all! Oh, and speaking of crafty skills.. guess what I got.. my great grandma's sewing machine. The thing still works! (By the way she died when I was six and she's had this thing since she was married.. how crazy is that?!) I refused for them to get rid of it considering she had it so long. When she died, my aunt got it and well now my aunt passed away so I'm taking it. Me with a sewing machine is going to be interesting to the least. I am determind to use it though. I don't want it to sit their and collect dust.

I think that's all I have for now. Remember, ask questions if you would like! And I will try super, super hard to get pictures of kyla at the park.

Edit: I am going to put the questions asked on here so everyone can see the answers :)

Q: Do you have something your terrified of: I could go on forever. I'm afraid of spiders, snakes, rats, mice, bugs, bees etc. My biggest fear would have to be heights though. Completely terrified to the point where I can put myself into a panic attack! When I go on rides and you have to climb the big, tall stairs to get to it I end up freezing half way and shaking. and if someone touches me I freak out! It's horrible!

Q: Are you outgoing or laid back: I used to be super outgoing until I had Kyla. Now I am a little more laid-back and a little less adventurous. I would still rather be out and about then in though (that will probably never change).

Q: What kind of food do you like: My biggest love is Taco Bell! I can't ever get enough of it. Tyler doesn't like it though so the only time I can have it is when we go to the one close to us that has a KFC attached to it.

Q: Are you body conscious: I don't want to sound super conceited, but not really. Do I have the body I used to have before Kyla? Absolutely not! Do I wish I did? Of course! But I don't fret about it anymore. I weigh 125lbs (weighed 115 before kyla) so I still have ten pounds to lose, but I'm not even trying. I don't need to be 'super skinny'. Tyler thinks im beautiful and Kyla loves me and that is all that matters! I weighed 130-135 last summer and walked around in a bikinni and I didn't give even care. ( I wish I had that attitude about my weight and body before Kyla!)


  1. That is a cute quilt. I could never do something like that.
    We were just naming random lets you have like something you are terrified of? Are you scared of a lot of things...Are you super outgoing or are you laid back? What kind of food do you like? Are you like the rest of us and body conscious..or do you like the way you look...these are just some questions. I could ask all day!! HAHA!!

  2. I don't think I could either, but I really want to! I am going to take the questions asked and edit them to my post so everyone can see them! :)

  3. My hubby loves taco Bell but I dont like it so much. HAHA!! I wish I was care free about my weight. I wore a bikini last summer even while pregnant but I hate to see my nasty body. Pre pregnany i weighed in the low 130' would fluctuate and I am now 135 and i am 12 weeks post pardum but I just hate how it looks.

  4. I will wear a bikini, but I really don't like to. I am trying to get to the point where I don't care about my weight. You are lucky! You need to teach us how you do that :p
    I love Taco Bell too, but I'm trying to avoid fast food. It's reallllly hard though.
