Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stress, Stress, Stress!

My stress level is super, super high right now. So, we have decided not to take that house and instead are going to move closer to tyler's work (and further from my family). Kind of a bummer. But for only a hundred dollars more a month we will be cutting his commute time by half. Pretty worth it to me. Yes, we will have to live in an apartment and yes it's not very big but he has the eat in kitchen, living room, two beds and a bath and that's all we really need. I know they are good because my friend lives there! :) It's in a really cute area. I think we might go up and fill out an application today. Or possibly tomorrow. We'll see I guess. I am just so ready to finally move out of my parents house. So, so ready! Lately, tyler and I have been sleeping out in the living room on couches so Kyla can have her own room because she sleeps better when we aren't in their. I've been ready for so long to get our own place, but since tyler's last job had horrible pay we couldn't. Now that he has an awsome job I am more than ready! We'll so how all of this goes. I really don't want anymore let downs. I promise guys I will get the park pictures up soon. I misplaced my digital camera. :( I will be on a search though, promise! Oh by the way since I put my blog back to private it no longer tells you when I update. Dumb, I know!

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