Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, February 25, 2011


It was brought to my attention that I can make my blog private (if you are reading this- thank you!). I think it will help my fears of posting pictures of my daughter on here (yes.. I am THAT crazy mom). This way I know exactly who is looking at them, because lets face it.. there are tons of creepy people out there. So here is the heads up.. Soon my blog will be private! :) Positives - I will start showing off pictures of Kyla and maybe say some things i've been holding back in case people I know are actually reading this. So to say the least im pretty stinken excited! :)

I was excited to take cute little pictures of Kyla all dressed up from yesterday. Well, that didn't happen. She came down with the flu and was throwing up everywhere (disgusting!) So she stayed in her jammies all day. (no cute dressed up pictures). Good news is she is feeling better today! I am glad it was only a twenty-four hour thing.. nothing breaks my heart more than seeing her miserable. :(

I really don't have anything to say. By the time my next post hits my blog will (hopefully) be private. I just have to figure out how to do it.. so if anyone knows how will you gladly help me? :)

1 comment:

  1. On your dashboard there is a settings button (pretty much right under the view blog button). Click it, then go to the permissions tab.. it's the last one on the second row of tabs. Then under "blog readers" you can pick "only people I choose" and then only people you choose will be able to read it :) Hope that helps.
