Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, February 4, 2011


So today (as is every other friday) was grocery shopping day. Not only did we have to do our grocery shopping, but we also had to buy tyler a new pair of steel toe work boots for work (he starts monday - yay!). Since I know nothing about work boots (and could honestly give a crap less) I went upstairs to the baby section. Let's start out by saying I no longer shop in the 'baby section'. 2t is in a completey different section. When did this happen?! When did I 'graduate' from shopping in the baby section. Wtf!! This upset me. But okay I can deal with this. I don't need that stupid baby section anyways.. Kyla will soon (or not...) be in 2t so that is where I did my looking today. So i'm in sears.. in the toddler section (or whatever you call that section) and there are clearance and sale signs EVERYWHERE. Score! I kept telling myself that I am going to buy a size up so Kyla will grow into it. She can't be in 18 months forever. I bought her an easter dress (originally 36.00 for 9.00!), a pair of pants (originally 6.00 for 2.00) a skirt ( originally 6.00 for 2.00) another pair of pants (originally 14.00 for 4.50) another cute little dress (originally 24.00 for 6.00) a shirt (originally 10.00 for 2.50) and I think that's it. I had a million things in the cart, but since we didn't exactly come for that I limited myself (although i'm kicking myself in the butt for it now). I bring all this stuff home and play 'dress up' with kyla. (If you ask her if she wants to try the stuff on she will scream and run away.. which is why I bring them home to try them on instead of in the fitting rooms). So everything I bought was 2t. Can you say HUGE! I'll be lucky if she gets into them by next year!! The dresses and shirt aren't so bad because they cant fall off of her but those pants.. poor little girl.. when she walks they fall off! Completely off. I really should have known because even her eighteen month clothes fall off.. but she is starting to outgrow them in length. She can't wear a belt with everything! And the one pair of pants I bought her are an elastic waist.. and still huge! It cracked me up when I put them on her though because she would walk holding up her pants. It had to be one of the cutest things! She also had to turn around to show me that her little butt (or diaper) was hanging out! I told tyler that we just might have to go back and buy some more in eighteen months! (Let's see if he actually lets me). Even though they do not exactly fit her she still LOVED them. She loved her little easter dress the most. I put it on her and she had to pose in it and she kept saying 'cheese' so I would grab the camera and take her picture. Conceited much? I think so! All in all today was a good day. I bought my groceries, got ty his new work boots and even bought kyla some clothes! Perfect day! Now only if this stupid cold weather could be replaced my nice warm weather.


  1. My daughter is the same way...LOVES to get her pic taken and will stop and say cheese!!!
    Shopping is always fun. We saw some awesome deals on winter clothes for next year too but had to buy for summer = (

  2. Ugh. I understand that. I want soo badly to get up on the good deals for winter stuff for next year, but I'm trying to buy for spring/summer. She has a ton of summer clothes (but i'm afraid there going to be stinken big). I guess i'll just have to wait. I did buy Kyla's winter coat for next year! :)
