Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I know I said that I would get the teenage pregnancy post on here butttttt, i'm slacking -hardcore! Between my washer going down (and having to go to my in-laws to do laundry) and preparing for this stupid winter storm and the fact that I leave my laptop in the bedroom where kyla is sleeping (way to freaking go!) I haven't had time. :( I have it started.. well it's almost finished.. I just need to go back through and check it and finish it up. So i'll get it to you..eventually. haha

So Tyler and I did our income tax.. pretty freaking exciting! :) We are using it to put towards my student loans, put some into savings and then the rest is going on a down payment on a car! This will be my first time ever making a payment on a car. Yikes! My last car tyler and I paid cash for. We're still not a hundred percent sure what car we want, but with tyler's one hour commute to work and another hour commute to school our 16 mpg SUV isn't cutting it. So far I think I have my little heart set on the pontiac g6, but that could change! I have a lot of looking and test driving to do. I'll keep everyone updated on how my search is going.

Since this weather is so horrible tyler took today off of school and will probably take tonight off of work! :) I'm trying to spoend all the time I possibly can with him this week, because next week he starts his new job and with school and work I will literally NEVER see him. It's pretty much going to suck but you have to do what you have to do. I'll post again later either with my post i've been working on or a new post!

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