Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sad Week.

I know I said I would post pictures Monday ( and it is now Weds with no pictures) but, this week has NOT gone as planned. Sunday morning we got the call that Kyla's great-grandmother (tyler's grandma) passed away. So instead of this being an exciting week it has been pretty much everything but that. Calling hours are tonight with the funeral tomorrow morning followed by a dinner to celebrate her life. I am actually NOT looking forward to any of this. Not only are Kyla and I battling a HORRIBLE cold (which we finally got on antiobiotics for) but she is also getting a tooth (which makes her super, super fussy) Yikes! And because calling hours are tonight she will be out past her bedtime which will make her even more cranky. :( I feel bad because I don't want to be out around people sick (but need to be their to support ty) and I don't want kyla out all sick and crabby (but that's her great-grandma) so she SHOULD be there. :( I guess i'll update on how it goes. Tomorrow after the funeral and dinner, tyler has to go up to school and take a quiz and a final exam.. not exactly the way he should be spending that day. I hope he does good on it considering he hasn't had ANY time to study and tomorrow is going to be very stressful. To top it off, he is one of the men carrying the casket. That has to be tough :( I couldn't even imagine. I am just hoping he will be able to do it.

Monday night we did get to pick up the car though.. in the middle of an effing blizzard. Seriously snow?! You couldn't have waited?!?! Ugh. I'm so sick of snow.. Spring please come! Anyways, it runs awsome! I love, love, love it. OH.. and I looked at the gas mileage thingy on the dashboard and it said 27.. !!!!!!!! That may not be exciting for you, but I havent seen anything over 16 for a whole entire year! I am so happy that this is going to save us SO much on gas! And for once I actually own a nice, reliable car! I still can't believe it's mine though. I guess it will set in when I make the first car payment haha.

I guess that is all for now. I really want to post a picture of kyla in her little dress I bought, but I'm still a little eery about posting pictures of her *sigh*. I guess it'll just be a surprise to everyone to see if I actually do or not :)


  1. I am so sorry. That really sucks. I hope Ty does good on his test and y'all feel better.
    It is in the 80's here. I love it.I hate the cold and have only seen snow once and that's enough.haha.
    Well if you do post a pick I can't wait to actually she her but if you don't we all understand.

  2. You can always set your blog to private so only your followers can see what you post. That way you know who is looking at her pics for sure. I understand why you don't want to though. You make me feel like a bad mom lol.. I just can't help myself though.

  3. Oh gosh no don't feel like a bad mom at all!! It's just a personal opinion.. I love seeing blogs with everyones adorable children everywhere. I wish I could show off mine :( I never thought about setting it to private.. I'll have to think about that! Her adorable dressy pictures won't be up though because she's sick with the flu so we're skipping out on everything today. :(
