Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 10, 2011


As of right now, I am that crazy mom searching through the internet trying to find out what my child's problem is and what I can do to fix it. This kid is spoiled.. plain and simple. I'll be the first to admit it. She has 5487221 toys. No kidding. They are taking over the whole house! The thing is she won't freaking play with them. I don't understand! For example: She points to her blocks and says 'dis dis' so I ask 'do you want your blocks?' she replies 'yes.' so I get them down and she gets excited and wants me to dump them out so I do and then she walks away. WTF?! Okay whatever maybe she is going to play with something else but she wont. She'll grab and toy and then put it down literally two seconds later. I'm not sure if she is bored with her toys or if this is just a phase. I'm thinking about going to toys r us and having her pick out some new and exciting toys, but I don't want people to be like 'wow your freaking retarded. don't you think she has enough toys?' and the truth is she does! But what is the point of having all these toys that she wants NOTHING to do with? I don't want her to be bored.. which I think she is. Last time she went to the doctor she was starting to do things a two year old was doing.. she was way way way past her age. (by the way she went to the doctor about a month or so ago) and the doctor said that might be why she throws so many temper tantrums during the day is because she's bored. Okay.. so I try to do different things with her but it's not working. I seriously think I am boring her. She did really get into coloring, but that ended. Now she just wants to eat the crayons. Any advice would be awesome! Is this a stage? Or do I seriously need to go out and get her different toys? If so, what would you recommend. Thank's so much!


  1. She is probably bored. My son was a lot like this. I turned his blocks into learning tools. I taught him his colors at about 16 months. He loved going around pointing at colors everywhere after that. He was interested in coloring for a little bit but got bored so we moved up to finger painting. We also taught him his letters and shapes. He has never stayed real interested in toys. He has bunch that just sit in his room. But he LOVES to learn. So we do a lot of counting and computer games. He plays apps on my iPad that are educational. we bake which let's him get messy,learn(he gets to measure and count), and to him it is something very grownup to do.

  2. See I think that's how kyla is. The only way she will play with her blocks is if she can go and put them in the hole they go in (match up the shapes) that's why I was thinking maybe she needs something that stretches her mind.

  3. Grace is the same way.. She just doesn't really get into toys.. However, she LOVES to dress up! I don't know if you have ever tried that with your little girl, but Grace loves to put on hats, bracelets, and necklaces.
    She also loves Barney.. she's not interested in TV at all unless Barney is on. I know you aren't supposed to let them watch a lot of TV, but at least it's educational because she has barely any interest in toys. She loves to finger paint, but hates to color. She also loves to go outside and play with her balls. She LOVES balls.
    Just some suggestions because I know how you feel.. Grace's toys are taking over the house too.

  4. You know I never even thought about finger paiting! I should really give that a try. Do they make non-toxic finger paint?
