Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Read at your own risk: I really need to vent. Since Tyler has the car all day everyday for school and work that leaves me stuck at home.. all day.. every day. It's truly taking it's toll on me. I do nothing, but sit at home all day and cook and clean. I never get out! Unless you count going grocery shopping with kyla every two weeks 'getting out'. I just can't take being home any longer! I am so freaking sick of it!! Every little thing has been getting on my nerves.. and I think it's all because I never get out and I never get any 'me time'. evverrrrrrr!

I am sick of 'know it all people'. especially 'know it all people' on facebook! freaking anoying! Get a life!!
I am sick of drama via facebook. Stop arguing through a status! You know you don't have the balls to say this crap to each other in person so just stop!
I am sick of seeing parents (especially teenagers) putting themselves before their children! STAY HOME! STOP WASTING MONEY THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ON YOURSELVES!! YOU HAVE KIDS NOW!!
I am sick of seeing people get knocked up just to get attention. Way to be mature!
I am sick of 'friends' that expect ME to feel sorry for them or expect ME to be happy for them when they don't ever do the same (this is a big one.. i'll explain later).
I am sick of facebook. period. I think I might actually get rid of it.
I am sick of people that used to talk to me all the time don't just because I have a baby. Yes, we are living two complete seperate lives, but you can atleast aknowledge me.. that would be nice.
I am sick of people that have been out of high school for TWO years now still bitch like we are in high school. (SOO glad I am not in that 'world' anymore).
This kind of goes back to the people not aknowlegding me.. I am sick of not having any friends! People say it'll get easier over time, but how does not having any friends get easier?! Okay I lied I do have one good friend, but she lives 45 minutes away and I hardly talk to her anymore! :(
I am sick of people pushing their religious views on me.. "you are going to hell because you had a child out of wed-lock" .. well shoot me whore because guess what?! You have had sex with the same amount of guys as I have and HOLY CRAP YOU'RE NOT MARRIED EITHER!! Way to be a hypocrite!


Okay now to explain the one about friends expecting me to be happy for them, but never return the favor. My one 'friend' (I shall never call this person this anymore) complains to me ALL the time. Of course, I feel bad for her (although not going to lie our money issue is WAY worse than theirs, but that's what friends do right?) She moved out.. he got a good job.. who was happy for her.. Me! Of course thats what friends do! She gets exciting news.. and who was happy for her? ME! She gets MORE exciting news and once again I was happy for her! Well Tyler got a call about a job offering.. making EASILY double what he makes now. I'm excited!! We actually won't be struggling with money! So I tell my friend and she says "oh. cool." seriously?! And that was the end of the conversation! Well screw you then! I am always happy for you but if you want to be a jealous you know what then FINE! Do I understand why she acted the way she did (other than she is a SUCKY 'friend') ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! My one friend is finally getting her life "situated" after a crappy end to a marriage.. well more like ending now.. and she is starting school.. I'm jealous! I am not going to lie.. because I can't go back to school right now.. But I am SOOO happy for her!! She deserves it and I am so proud of her for deciding to go back! I guess maybe I just choose crappy friends. It's whatever though. I don't care anymore. I don't need people that shitty in my life anymore.

I don't think I am done venting, but I am going to stop because this is making me more aggravated. I thought venting was supposed to help?? Sigh.. obviously not for me!

I hope everyone is having a better day than I am!



  1. Let it girl!!!! I know how you feel with just about everything you said. A lot of us are in your woes if not full on we are one Way or another.

  2. Haha I just did a venting post, gotta love them!

    I highly recommend saying goodbye to facebook; I haven't gotten rid of mine but I don't have internet (by choice) at my apartment so I only check it every other weekend when I go visit my parents and I feel so much less stressed, it's great!!
