Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 21, 2011


Okay, so we got the call this morning that he did get the job! yay! put in his two week notice at the job he's at now.. and he will start his new job Feb. 7th! I really didn't think they would call this morning, but they did! :) I couldn't have been happier. I am looking into going back to school. Hardcore looking. I have been out for almost a whole year. Yikes! I never thought I would want to go back soo bad! But, I miss it. I miss school. I miss getting smart. I love learning new things. Things im passionate about. I have been going up in the air about what I want to major in. I have changed my mind 2348642312 times. No kidding. I almost declared myself a failure.. but, it's getting better. I think i've made up my mind. Maybe. I am not taking any drastic measures of enrolling and wasting money until I know for sure. Luckily, when I was doing college I got my whole year paid for (except one semester of books) due to my smarts :) (Thank you 4.0) So I didn't waste a ton of money. I can deal with a 700 dollar student loan.. that I am paying off next month! No more debt for this lady! Well.. I think that is all I have to write about.

I am sure I will have more to write about at the end of this weekend.. if we actually even venture out of the house this weekend. It's supposed to be super cold! BRRR! :(

Bye for now! :)

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