Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 21, 2011

Anticipation Kills!

So Tyler and I are patiently (or not so much) waiting for the phone call to tell us if he for sure gets the job or not! I seriously can't stinken wait any longer!! I want to know NOW. I am just so anxious.. I don't think we are going to hear about it today, but a girl can wish right?! So I guess i'll just wait.. and wait.. and wait. Oh gosh hurrythehellupandpickupthedamnphoneandlethimknowforgodsakes!! Okay, im done. :)

On a very negative note.. I ended up pretty ticked off the other day. Since kyla's grandma hadn't seen her in a couple weeks she said she wanted to meet us for icecream. Well she never showed up! Can you say ticked off?! Not only did I waste my time and gas to get there, but how can you 'forget' to come see your granddaughter! Might I add this was the SECOND time she has done this. Efffffff youuuu!!! So, of course she changed the story. I'll explain. When I asked her where she was she said 'home why?' and I was like we were supposed to meet for icecream. and her exact words were 'oh shit I forgot' then after she realized I was ticked off she changed her story and said 'sorry i was reading I lost track of time if I known what time it was I would have been there'. Really?! Because that was pretty much your excuse LAST time! So she BEGGED me to let her come over and I was like uhm, NO! Sorry. But guess what.. pretty soon kyla is going to be old enough to understand what is going on and I am NOT explaining to her why her grandma forgot about her! It really just ticks me off!

Okay so enough about that. Kyla is fifteen months old now! YIKES! She is in the 25th for weight (she was just below the 50th) and she is still in the 95th for height! She is so tall! Not sure where she gets it from. Her development is of a two year old.. well in the working of a two year old. She is doing everything an eighteen month old she be doing and is doing things a two year old should be doing. Which is pretty exciting! But, she has always been that way. She is starting to get used to the big girl potty! She looooves sitting on it! She goes up to it and says 'this' and starts taking off her diaper. She hasn't done anything on it yet, but it is still really early. I am not rushing/pushing things. She will do things when she is ready too.

That really is all for now. :)

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