Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Let me start off by throwing this out here .. the reason I do not have any pictures of my daughter on here is simple.. I don't like putting pictures of her on the internet for all people to see. I love blogs with pictures (don't get me wrong), but theres this part of me that wonders who actually looks at these things.. pervs? It's quite possible! I know, it's strange, but hey.. it's whatever! Just a little information I'm sure some of you guys' were wondering about.

My job as a SAHM is household 'duties'. I don't mind.. really. Tyler goes to school full-time and works so the least I can do is keep the house clean and make him food right? Plus, I don't work outside of the home and until I can make up my damn mind on what I want to study in college I am no longer in school. So its the least I can do. but there is one chore that I can't stand.. dishes. You can laugh at me all you want, but I am so serious. I will do laundry any day of the week, clean the bathroom etc. but I hate doing dishes. It makes my hands dry and they itch and yuck.. stupid dawn botanicles.. I hate you for doing this to my hands, But really.. I can even get a dish soap that doesn't do that to my hands and I still hate doing dishes. I run out of clean sippy cups quite often. You would think this would be a wake-up call to do dishes more, correct? Wrong! I just go out and buy more sippy cups so I don't have to do dishes as often! That.. right there.. is my bad mom/house-wife of the day award! Go me! :)

Other than that things have been going okay. Kyla is going through a horrible stage. Her temper tantrums are at a high and she even took up hitting. WTF?! My perfect little angel.. hitting..? Who does that little girl think she is?! So I have been trying everything to get her little 'tude under control. Not working. at all. Tips are very welcome! I am loosing my mind. So other than dealing with my wonderful brat of a daughter (and I mean that in the most loving way) I am still searching for a major. Eventually it will come to me. Hopefully sooner rather than later. That's all for now.

Bye :)


  1. I understand the picture thing.
    i hate dishes too. Dish soap always makes me itch and i break out. It doesnt matter what kind i use.
    How old is she....tantrums are normal but seriously annoying. My little girl Charleigh has a hitting thing going on...I try everything discipline wise but nothing works for her...i mean NOTHING...she is so independent. She does what she wants and thats that.
    it doesnt take much for my son...all i have to do is firmly say no or let him know i am disappointed and he breaks down.

  2. She is fifteen months old! And she is the same way as your daughter. I swear she thinks this is her house and what she says goes. haha

  3. I get the picture thing too...even though I put pictures all over my blog...I'm also an idiot!

    I can't believe things I say would offend anyone! I'm shocked! :)

    I use these awesome dishwashing gloves that go up to my elbows...they are the best and I don't mind doing dishes anymore. Okay, I do mind, but I don't complain the entire time.

  4. Do you guys hit her? I don't mean like beat her, I just mean a slap on the butt or wrist? My daughter is very independent as well and nothing seemed to work so I tried smacking her on the hand and that is when she picked up hitting. I only did it like three times before I realized it was only making things worse, but now I can't break her of it.. She thinks it's funny.

  5. Haha I knew what you meant. Nope. No spanking.. so I have no idea where she seen it at. The only thing I can think of is maybe she seen some parent in the store spank their child? Who knows! I am trying really hard to break her of it though!
