Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 23, 2011


My first time blogging for a while and it is not exactly the best post. A friend of mine passed away on Thursday. I am still in shock and it still doesn't seem too real. He was my best friend's boyfriend. They have been together since we were freshman in high school and we have been out of high school for over two years. They were perfect for each other! They both just graduated from college and got jobs (she was supposed to start hers on Monday) and he had been at his job since about Feb. I think. He loved what he did! Now that she finally got a job they were going to buy a house together and finally start their lives together. It's really devastating! I'm sure by now your wondering what happened.. well he got in a motorcycle accident on his way to work. It was a single-vehicle accident.. that never should have occured! At the age of twenty, his life was cut short and hers was turned completely upside down. They are the reason I am with Ty. They introduced us to each other three years ago! Without them I wouldn't have Kyla. I think what hurts the most is knowing that theres no way I can take the pain away from her. There is really nothing I can do and I hate that. She was always there for me and the time she needs me the most I can't do anything. I just wish I could bring him back for her, but that's impossible. I know she is strong and I know that with time she will get through this but it tears me apart seeing her go through something like this. At this age, i'm still supposed to be dealing with the 'boy break-up drama' and not this! Especially with her. She is such an amazing person and they were such an amazing couple. My heart is breaking just typing this. I know this is all jumbled and probably hard to follow, but that is pretty much how everything has been for the past two days. Calling hours are tomorrow and I know that is when everything will be even more real. If you are still reading this then please keep the family and friends in your prayers. It's been a very rough time and they really need all the prayers they can get to get through this horrible time. R.I.P Tyler! You will be greatly missed!

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