Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

19 1/2 months - WOW!

Well Kyla is 19 1/2 months old now. She is getting smarter every single day. It really amazes me how 19 months ago she didn't know anything and now it's amazing how much she knows! Toddlers learn things so darn fast! We had a little problem with her gaining weight and eating. She's such a picky eater to begin with and then she just stopped eating. Doctor couldn't find anything medically wrong with her so I guess it was just one of her crazy stages, but she ended up losing some weight. She is eating again and her last doctors appointment she was back where she usually is as far as weight goes. She has to go back this month again to make sure she is still gaining weight. She is supposed to be on pediasure, but for the life of me I can't get her to drink it. I even tried just putting a little bit in with her milk, but that didn't work. So she's on her multi vitamins and I am trying to get her to drink atleast three cups of whole milk a day which usually isn't much of a problem because she LOVES her milk! Oh and now her new stage is watching dora 24/7. If she is in the house dora HAS to be on. She throws a fit. She could be playing with her toys not even paying attention to it, but if I turn it off she starts saying 'Dora! Boots! Dora! Boots!' it's so annoying. I went to walmart and bought another Dora DVD (she already had two) and they are on so much that they are already starting to wear out. It really doesn't surprise me if she starts speaking spanish soon! Other than that nothing new has occured. Ty and I took her to the zoo about a month ago and she absolutely LOVED the aquarium. She just loves watching the 'fishies'. This summer we are going to try to find an aquarium to take her to. We also have a couple children's museums around us that I would like to take her too. I am pretty stoked for this summer! She is actually old enough to be able to do things with her. Well I need to finish my laundry so that's all for now.

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