Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thought I was done.

I was going to be done with blogging, but I think i'm going to do this post for my sake. Went and looked at a couple of apartments yesterday. I got it narrowed down to two, which was pretty easy. The first one is an apartment complex and the other one is a duplex. Ty's cousin lives on the other side of the duplex (which is a positive). There both in good neighborhoods, but the apartment complex is pretty much by itself. It is its own little community which is a plus. It doesn't have a washer/dryer hook-up in it though (the duplex does) so I would have to pay 1.00 to wash and a 1.00 to dry. The washer and dryer is pretty much right outside my door (which is a big plus!) Since the duplex is has a washer and dryer hookup I would have to buy a washer and dryer.. which I would have to save up for. *sigh* and until then I would have to do laundry at my in-laws or my parents. The duplex is closer to tyler's work (by like three miles so not much) and it's close to my grocery shopping! (again only like three miles) The downfall of the duplex is it has steps (going down to the basement which there is a door that you shut and also going upstairs to the bedroom) and the only bathroom is upstairs! yikes. The apartment has two bedrooms two bathrooms. It's bigger and it's all on one floor (after you walk up steps to get to it, of course). It's also about 35-40 dollars more a month (plus remember I have to do my laundry). But theres more places for kyla to roam (the duplex only has a little yard). The apartment also comes with a swimming pool, fitness center, library, game room etc. So that's nice. I thought maybe typing it out on here would make my decision easier, but it didn't. *sigh* what to do.. what to do..

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