Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

small update.

I have some time to update while kyla is napping. Life has been hectic to say the least. We moved in the beggining of this month and nothing has gone smoothly since. Schedules have been getting screwed up and everytime I think I can get us all back on schedule something else occurs. I'm starting to look at stuff for Kyla's 2nd birthday. I seriously can't believe it is only 2 1/2 months away. We have had doctors appointments monthly watching her weight because she doesn't eat which then means she doesn't gain! :( She is starting to get a little better and this last appointment she gained six ounces!! I wish I knew how tall she was because she is so so so tall! She is talking up a storm. She says a new sentence everyday and repeats everything you say. I can't believe my little munchkin is going to be two. :( Today marks a week since I lost a friend (my best friend's boyfriend.. if you don't know see last post). I've been pretty much focusing on trying to keep my best friend sane through all of this. Which is pretty hard to do considering she lost the love of her life. I seriously can't believe I have nothing to say.. yep my life is pretty boring. Oh ty's 'probational period' is up meaning his job is secure and we (okay him and kyla) now have all the benefits. That was pretty exciting. Other than that nothing new has happened. I really need to start updating on this thing. It helps me get it all out and somewhat document kyla's life. well that's all for now.

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