Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Doesn't even begin to describe what I just read. A two year old was shopping with her grandmother and aunt wandered away just for a second a sex offender snatched her up took off her diaper and tried to rape her in the next aisle over! How freaking sick!! Again, I can't even begin to describe how angry this makes me. Now before I talk about the todder wandering away I am first going to talk about how sick of an individual this man is. I can honestly say he should have NEVER been allowed out with the public. In 2003, he raped a seven year old and only got four years for that. FOUR YEARS!?!?! How ridiculous!!!! He now can face 21 years for what he did. I am sorry, but I do not agree that 21 years is even close to being enough punishment for what this sick guy did.

I truly hope parents will read this story and realize how quickly something horribe can happen. I hate being in the store and watching young children running around from their parents and the parents not saying anything. Seriously?! Do they think nothing can happen?? Child predators are EVERYWHERE. Even in the store your always in, even in the coffee shop that you always go to, even at the gas station you fill up at all the time etc. Parents, please keep your children with you at all times! It kills me that stuff like this happens. It is more than disgusting!!

Opinions are more than welcome.. what do you think about this?! What punishment do you think he should get??

I left out a lot of my opinion, because writing more about it will just make me that much more angry!


  1. I agree the guy deserves more. They need to hang him by his penis with a fish hook in public so that everyone can see and beat the hell out of him with baseball bats. When I was 15 I was in this program called sea cadets. I had just joined there was this 21 year old sailor that was one of the instructors. He was to pick some of us up and drive us home afterward. Well when he drove me home he kept touching my leg. I just kept scooting away. I put it off when i got home. If I was to have any questions I was to tell ask him since he was my instructor. We had a trip coming up and i wanted to know what to bring. I called him and he started saying some very dirty things. He also said that at the trip he was going to make sure he got me alone away from everybody else so he could...well you get the pic. I called a friend right afterward and told what happen...he(my friend) turned around and called my parents and the lead instructor. I had to file a complaint and he had to go to court. He got what they call a slap on the hand meaning they told him not to do it again. I was taken out of the was that or i had to do all things on my own because I was seen as a danger. A lot of the instructors didnt believe my story and wanted to prevent it from happening again so I was to be alone at all times. My parents just took me out. 2 years later a private investigator shows up and brought up the situation. He said that there unfortunately had been 7 other girls after me who reported similar and worse things and If i would make another report because he was going to a higher court.
    If they would have just believed me in the first place 7 other girls wouldnt have been hurt. He is now in prison.

  2. That is disgusting! It really is sad that they don't get anything the first time. Do you they think they really aren't going to do it again. These sick people don't even deserve prison.. that means they get three meals and a roof over there head!

  3. Wow...that is horrible. I am a complete Nazi when it comes to where my kids are...probably why I rarely let them out of the stroller.

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