Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Holidays Are Here..

And there is a certain family out there who is dealing without a loved one. I want to write this post about this family. I was younger when I met this girl.. I want to say I was in the 5th grade. Since the day I first met her she was someone who I looked up to. What a great role model she truly ways. She could light up a room with her beautiful smile and she always seemed so happy. Gosh, why couldn't I be like that? She ended up going to college for Nursing (such a perfect fit for her). She was that nurse that everyone would want. She would have such a great bedside manner. That was just her. She treated everyone nicely and with respect. She finally graduated college with a bachelor's degree. She had such high dreams that were now at reach. Not too long after graduation, though, she was diagnosed with cancer. Not just any cancer, but adrenal cortical cancer. This cancer is so rare it only affects one out of a million people per year. So why her?! Why someone who was such a wonderful young woman? Why such an amazing family. Okay, enough with all these questions.. she'll fight it. Nothing like this happens in our small town. Nothing would ever happen to someone so young. She seemed to be getting worse and worse. She was going through so much treatment.. treatments that didn't seem to be working. They even held a benefit to help with the cost of all these treatments. October 13,2010 a wonderful, beautiful, 23 year old lost the battle of her life. I was devestated when I found out. Why her? Why this family?! They don't deserve this... she didn't deserve this! To top it off the mother of this woman lost her son a few years before this due to a tragic accident. Such a strong, amazing woman just lost her only child she had left. I can't imagine feeling that pain. On Kyla's first birthday I attended calling hours. I never thought it would have been so difficult, but they were. This whole point of this post is I want to give all my thoughts and prayers and I hope others will to, to this wonderful family who has to deal with this holiday without a loved one. This beautiful mother no longer has her children with her during this time. To make matters worse, the mother of this girl also lost her sister the same exact day she lost her daughter! It was really a horrible day. So I would like to ask everyone to take some time out of this busy month to pray for this famil. They truly, truly deserve it. I will post two sites that you can go look at if you want some more information. R.I.P. Roselyn you are truly missed! I am keeping everyone in my prayers, because they truly deserve it right now!!

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