Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Three Months is a long time.

I really need to start writing here more often. I say that all the time though. Well my little girl is no longer a baby. She has officially entered toddlerhood. Her first birthday went great! :) I couldn't have been happier. She is walking and talking like crazyI am getting so excited for christmas, and for once I finished christmas shopping already! Great huh? I have also come to the realization that having more children is out of the question. Why you ask? Because I have a very spoiled one year old and I like it that way, actually. :) Judge me if you will, but she is happy getting all the attention and all the toys which makes me a very happy momma. She does well with other children though. She shares like a pro! Yes, you heard right my spoiled little brat who doesn't even share with her momma shares her toys with other kids! Okay, maybe not all kids, but she shares with Ivan (who is her best friend). At the age of one, she already has a best friend :) That is a whole story on it's own that I will be sure to write about.

As of right now, both kyla and momma are getting over being sick. A sucky way to spend thanksgiving. It didn't help that I was one of those crazies standing outside toys r us in the pouring rain for three hours waiting for them to open ;) But it sure was fun and I got everything I wanted! Go me! :) I sat there and said "next year if it's raining my butt isn't going" but, I think that was a lie! I would rather go to toys r us than any other store on black friday. The people there weren't so rude and obnoxious. Overrall, it was a good night. I will write more some other time :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey. Im Jessika. it is nice to meet you. I wanted to go out on black friday but I had a sick hubby and baby girl. Unfortunately i just caught what they had and spent the night throwing up...sorry TMI. That;s cool that you only want one baby. I believe one would be a lot easier :). I am about to be a 21 year old mother of 3 under 3. Crazy...if some one would have told me this back when I had my first I would have told them that they were crazy but I wouldnt trade my girls for the world.
