Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 21, 2010


It has been a long time since I have wrote in here. My life has been busy, busy, busy. So.. where to begin.. Kyla is ten months old now. I really can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. Time sure does fly. She now has two teeth!! I took her off the binkie a few days ago. That is a struggle. She has about 348423123156 melt downs a day. I think im missing the binkie more than she is! She crawls like a pro now (no more army crawling) and cruises on furniture. I think i'm probably going to cry when she starts walking. So I decided to do something totally different for her first birthday. Everyone does a party, so I really didn't want to do that. I wanted something to reflect her and what she loved to do. Well, she loves waterparks, but who wants to play in the water in the middle of October, not I! So I thought an indoor waterpark would be awsome! So I booked a HUGE room for her party. It's going to be Tyler, Kyla, Me, My dad, my mom, my sister and my brother. And the room is like a house. It has two queen beds, a sitting area with a fireplace and a couch (the pulls out into a queen bed), a bathroom and then upstairs in the loft is another queen bed and a bathroom. And the room all together has three TV's. Im pretty stoked! So other than planning her party, and taking away the binkie I am also taking her off the bottle (which I think is the easiest). Ohh.. and she is off of baby food. She hates it now. Where is my baby going?! :( So I was reading on the internet and I seen this cup called a tilty cup. It has no valve (so it's easier to suck from) and theres this platform thingy inside so the baby doesn't have to tilt their head back as far to get whatever is in the cup. I think im going out today and buying one. Possibly. I'm going to look at them and see if it would work for kyla. I'm hoping it will. She is so good on a sippy cup, but she doesn't get the concept of tilting your head back as far :( Well I think that's all the rambling now. If I buy the cup I'll have to post about how it works.

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