Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


It's been a while since i've updated everyone, so since Kyla is sleeping I figured I would. I should be sleeping since I have to get up super early tomorrow. The downfall of having a doctor's office 45 freaking minutes away :( Actually it's an orthondist, but whatever. I am dreading my apt. First off, I havent been there for a year.. Oopps! :( Second, everytime I go I can't eat for like a week :(. (hence why I haven't been there for a year haha). So kyla is eight and a half months old now. She still isn't crawling, but she is starting to pull herself up. She officially drinks out of a sippy cup now (all by herself). My little girl is growing up :( It's so sad to think she used to be so super tiny!! I can't even believe it! I'm taking her to the lake/beach for the first time on Sunday! YAY!! :) I am so excited. I hope she loves it as much as her momma does. Then ty and I are going to be taking her to the zoo sometime this summer. I am super excited about that too. Oh the life of being a mommy. Well this will be it for now. I have a ton of things to do before I go to bed tonight. Goodnight :)

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