Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Time..

Oh how I hate you this year. Seriously, I do! You snuck up on me once again! I had 3/4 of my shopping done by the time black friday was over. I assumed (BIG MISTAKE) that I would be done early and would be able to enjoy christmas time. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Christmas is next week and I am still not done. So because of my wonderful procrastination talents that I have, the weekend before Christmas I am going to be so freaking busy. Tomorrow I am going to Tyler's grandparents house to make cookies while him and his grandpa make fudge! I'm sure its going to be a fun day and Kyla always LOVES going there. She has so much fun. So I am pretty excited. It was supposed to be last weds, but sickness has taken over our little family and theirs also. So, my friday is booked. Saturday Tyler and I are going christmas shopping. Sunday my mom and I are going christmas shopping while tyler goes and hangs out with his best friend who is home from Florida. Monday I am making cookies with my momma. I am hoping the rest of the week I can relax until the christmas festivities start! :) I am so excited for christmas this year though. Kyla is going to be SO much fun. Last year she slept (So boring). She has already found her gifts and even started trying to open them. Oh I love my little girl.I am also working hard on trying to get "along" with people.. certain people that I do not like.. at all. Ugh! It's difficult. I am not good at pretending, but I figured I will try.. atleast until christmas is over! :) Trust me, I will not be making it my New Years Resolution. Why set myself up for failure, right?

Well, I think I am going to relax before bed. kbye! :)


  1. Yep. Im pretty busy for the next week also. Today(friday. its pass mid night) I have to wrap some gifts and then saturday i have to wrap more and go out to my husbands dads house to give them the xmas cookies we just made and then sunday is church and last bit of wrapping plus CLEANING the house form top to bottom and sterilizing bottles. Then monday it is all last minute preparation and I go into the hospital at midnight to have my baby girl the following day. Then I will get out of the hospital on the 23rd and then the 24th is xmas and newborn pics and then finally xmas.

  2. Yeah, I should really stop complaining you have much more tough than I do! haha. You're having a baby on top of getting ready for christmas. That is such a great christmas present getting to see your little girl :) So excting!!
