Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 3, 2010


So I am officially becoming stressed. I have one more exam and then I am finally done with school. Only problem is- I still don't have a school to go to :( At first I was stressing because I wasn't going to have a summer vacation because I was going to go to school all year round, and now I am stressing because I don't have a school to go to. Oh well, I guess i'll just have to see what happens.

On a different note, I am so excited for summer. There are so many things I want to do with Kyla. Our first summer vacation as a family.. I can't be anymore excited! :) Except, I don't know where I want to go. ugh! Tyler and I went to the Columbus Zoo last year, so maybe Cinci Zoo this year? It could be a possibility. I definatley need ideas and to do some serious research.

I got to thinking yesterday about how crazy life is. My best friend is graduating this year. It makes me sad to know that we're all growing up. Then I got to thinking about my high school years and how ridiculous it is that I talk to NOBODY that I went to school with. It is so pathetic actually. I always knew that friends went there seperate ways after high school, but this soon? Especially since they still all live around here. I guess you find out who your true friends are. Even though I don't get to see Robbie much, I do know he's a true friend and he loves Kyla to death. It's so cute! It's nice to know that he's stuck around through soo much. It's insane. We went from meeting when I was in 8th grade to now him becoming "Uncle Robbie." Life is weird.

I am done rambling now. Maybe next time I will actually have something interesting to talk about.

Goodbye :)

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