Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hard Week.

This past week has been too eventful. On monday my mom got rushed to the hospital (needless to say I have never driven so fast in my life). They found out they she had a heart attack. Tuesday (yesterday) they found out that she had three blockages to her heart (two were 95% blocked and the other one was 100% blocked). She went through surgery and is now doing good. This is her third night in the hospital and she is more than ready to come home. It's such a scary thought to think that I could lose my mother when she is only 43. That is too young to be going through what she is going through. I am so very thankful that she is alright and so thankful for the people who have kept her in their prayers! I know God was definately with her. I am starting to wonder if maybe he was doing this for a reason. If though it's horrible He must have His reasons. We've been having family problems for quite sometime now. Since my grandpa died pretty much (which was eight years ago this month). For some reason though we all kept holding on by a little thread of hope. Hope that maybe they hadn't changed as much as it seemed they had and hope that maybe they actually care and just don't know how to show it. I don't know exactly. But now, all that hope is gone. How can you possibly go without calling your own aunt/sister/DAUGHTER to find out how she is doing?? People she hasn't talked to for years have even been praying for her and wishing her a fast recovery. It's nice to know that her own damn family can't do that. That seems so impossible to me, but obviously it is. We have done so much for them; we have ALWAYS been there for them but I guess that is not appreciated at all. It is officially whatever. I could not care less about them at all! Ugh!!

As for my family, everything is going great! Kyla is getting bigger and bigger by the day. She is almost 7 1/2 months old already! I can't believe it. Since this was the first time i've been back at the hospital since I had her, it really starts bringing back memories. I can't believe that it has been seven months since my water broke. That is insane!! It has been horribly hard to have to leave kyla while I am at the hospital. I am glad I am able to leave her with people I truly trust though. It makes the stress level remain low. Since I haven't been home all week and were not one hundred percent sure my mom is getting released tomorrow I have a ton of things to do.

Goodnight :)

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