Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


It's been a while since i've updated everyone, so since Kyla is sleeping I figured I would. I should be sleeping since I have to get up super early tomorrow. The downfall of having a doctor's office 45 freaking minutes away :( Actually it's an orthondist, but whatever. I am dreading my apt. First off, I havent been there for a year.. Oopps! :( Second, everytime I go I can't eat for like a week :(. (hence why I haven't been there for a year haha). So kyla is eight and a half months old now. She still isn't crawling, but she is starting to pull herself up. She officially drinks out of a sippy cup now (all by herself). My little girl is growing up :( It's so sad to think she used to be so super tiny!! I can't even believe it! I'm taking her to the lake/beach for the first time on Sunday! YAY!! :) I am so excited. I hope she loves it as much as her momma does. Then ty and I are going to be taking her to the zoo sometime this summer. I am super excited about that too. Oh the life of being a mommy. Well this will be it for now. I have a ton of things to do before I go to bed tonight. Goodnight :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Been Forever.

I think my stress levels would be lower if I took time to blog every day. I like this because it gives me a chance to vent - which I don't get to do very often - and I can ramble on about dumb stuff and it makes me feel so much better! So I am officially becoming exhausted and part of it is my fault. So let me explain.. Kyla is in need of mommy's attention twenty-four seven. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought being a mother was going to be such a tough job. I get nothing accomplished during the day because she wants to be held allllll day long :( And I know what you are thinking.. you get a break durings naps. Wrong! Very, very wrong! Kyla does not believe in naps most days. Her naps consist of like a 15 minute cat nap! ugh!! By the end of the day I am exhausted. So she has a pretty good night schedule going on. She is usually in bed by nine. This brings me to why being exhausted is my fault. She usually goes to bed by nine and wakes up around 8. Plenty of time for me to get some sleep, but I never go to bed when she does. I should.. I really, really should, but I don't and I have my reasons. 1) that is the ONLY time I can get something done.. rather it be laundry, washing bottles, making bottles, researching stuff on the net.. whatever. AND that is the only time I have "peace and quiet" and am not needed by anybody. I like it. It's my only source of "me" time and I like to take advantage of it. This is what im thinking.. every other day go to sleep when she does and on the other days have the "me" time. hmm.. hopefully I can do it. It sounds like a good plan, but we'll see.

My life has been consisting of drama, drama, drama. I have had people in my life who I have kept in for certain reasons that are no longer needed because they cause nothing but trouble. I may only be 19, but I deserve respect! If you don't agree with my parenting styles that is your problem.. you either respect them or you don't see my daughter. The end! It's actually quite annoying how grown adults are acting like their five.. seriously, grow up!!

As for my beautiful daughter, she is growing like a weed. She is getting bigger and bigger everyday and is learning so much. Today she crawled across the couch!! Yay!! Still won't crawl when she's on the floor though. Maybe soon she will. She rolls like crazy now. It's sad to think she used to be so small :( I miss my little baby girl!

I guess that is good enough for now. I'm tired and need some sleep.

Goodnight :)