Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

small update.

I have some time to update while kyla is napping. Life has been hectic to say the least. We moved in the beggining of this month and nothing has gone smoothly since. Schedules have been getting screwed up and everytime I think I can get us all back on schedule something else occurs. I'm starting to look at stuff for Kyla's 2nd birthday. I seriously can't believe it is only 2 1/2 months away. We have had doctors appointments monthly watching her weight because she doesn't eat which then means she doesn't gain! :( She is starting to get a little better and this last appointment she gained six ounces!! I wish I knew how tall she was because she is so so so tall! She is talking up a storm. She says a new sentence everyday and repeats everything you say. I can't believe my little munchkin is going to be two. :( Today marks a week since I lost a friend (my best friend's boyfriend.. if you don't know see last post). I've been pretty much focusing on trying to keep my best friend sane through all of this. Which is pretty hard to do considering she lost the love of her life. I seriously can't believe I have nothing to say.. yep my life is pretty boring. Oh ty's 'probational period' is up meaning his job is secure and we (okay him and kyla) now have all the benefits. That was pretty exciting. Other than that nothing new has happened. I really need to start updating on this thing. It helps me get it all out and somewhat document kyla's life. well that's all for now.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


My first time blogging for a while and it is not exactly the best post. A friend of mine passed away on Thursday. I am still in shock and it still doesn't seem too real. He was my best friend's boyfriend. They have been together since we were freshman in high school and we have been out of high school for over two years. They were perfect for each other! They both just graduated from college and got jobs (she was supposed to start hers on Monday) and he had been at his job since about Feb. I think. He loved what he did! Now that she finally got a job they were going to buy a house together and finally start their lives together. It's really devastating! I'm sure by now your wondering what happened.. well he got in a motorcycle accident on his way to work. It was a single-vehicle accident.. that never should have occured! At the age of twenty, his life was cut short and hers was turned completely upside down. They are the reason I am with Ty. They introduced us to each other three years ago! Without them I wouldn't have Kyla. I think what hurts the most is knowing that theres no way I can take the pain away from her. There is really nothing I can do and I hate that. She was always there for me and the time she needs me the most I can't do anything. I just wish I could bring him back for her, but that's impossible. I know she is strong and I know that with time she will get through this but it tears me apart seeing her go through something like this. At this age, i'm still supposed to be dealing with the 'boy break-up drama' and not this! Especially with her. She is such an amazing person and they were such an amazing couple. My heart is breaking just typing this. I know this is all jumbled and probably hard to follow, but that is pretty much how everything has been for the past two days. Calling hours are tomorrow and I know that is when everything will be even more real. If you are still reading this then please keep the family and friends in your prayers. It's been a very rough time and they really need all the prayers they can get to get through this horrible time. R.I.P Tyler! You will be greatly missed!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

19 1/2 months - WOW!

Well Kyla is 19 1/2 months old now. She is getting smarter every single day. It really amazes me how 19 months ago she didn't know anything and now it's amazing how much she knows! Toddlers learn things so darn fast! We had a little problem with her gaining weight and eating. She's such a picky eater to begin with and then she just stopped eating. Doctor couldn't find anything medically wrong with her so I guess it was just one of her crazy stages, but she ended up losing some weight. She is eating again and her last doctors appointment she was back where she usually is as far as weight goes. She has to go back this month again to make sure she is still gaining weight. She is supposed to be on pediasure, but for the life of me I can't get her to drink it. I even tried just putting a little bit in with her milk, but that didn't work. So she's on her multi vitamins and I am trying to get her to drink atleast three cups of whole milk a day which usually isn't much of a problem because she LOVES her milk! Oh and now her new stage is watching dora 24/7. If she is in the house dora HAS to be on. She throws a fit. She could be playing with her toys not even paying attention to it, but if I turn it off she starts saying 'Dora! Boots! Dora! Boots!' it's so annoying. I went to walmart and bought another Dora DVD (she already had two) and they are on so much that they are already starting to wear out. It really doesn't surprise me if she starts speaking spanish soon! Other than that nothing new has occured. Ty and I took her to the zoo about a month ago and she absolutely LOVED the aquarium. She just loves watching the 'fishies'. This summer we are going to try to find an aquarium to take her to. We also have a couple children's museums around us that I would like to take her too. I am pretty stoked for this summer! She is actually old enough to be able to do things with her. Well I need to finish my laundry so that's all for now.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thought I was done.

I was going to be done with blogging, but I think i'm going to do this post for my sake. Went and looked at a couple of apartments yesterday. I got it narrowed down to two, which was pretty easy. The first one is an apartment complex and the other one is a duplex. Ty's cousin lives on the other side of the duplex (which is a positive). There both in good neighborhoods, but the apartment complex is pretty much by itself. It is its own little community which is a plus. It doesn't have a washer/dryer hook-up in it though (the duplex does) so I would have to pay 1.00 to wash and a 1.00 to dry. The washer and dryer is pretty much right outside my door (which is a big plus!) Since the duplex is has a washer and dryer hookup I would have to buy a washer and dryer.. which I would have to save up for. *sigh* and until then I would have to do laundry at my in-laws or my parents. The duplex is closer to tyler's work (by like three miles so not much) and it's close to my grocery shopping! (again only like three miles) The downfall of the duplex is it has steps (going down to the basement which there is a door that you shut and also going upstairs to the bedroom) and the only bathroom is upstairs! yikes. The apartment has two bedrooms two bathrooms. It's bigger and it's all on one floor (after you walk up steps to get to it, of course). It's also about 35-40 dollars more a month (plus remember I have to do my laundry). But theres more places for kyla to roam (the duplex only has a little yard). The apartment also comes with a swimming pool, fitness center, library, game room etc. So that's nice. I thought maybe typing it out on here would make my decision easier, but it didn't. *sigh* what to do.. what to do..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

If she isn't her fathers child..

I must say to whoever invented 'tom and jerry' thank you! Because of you I can actually get laundry done. Kyla's eyes are glued to the tv (like her fathers are when tom and jerry comes on). I wouldn't ever think she would like it because it doesn't ever say anything, but she LOVES it! Judge me if you like, but I don't want to run naked! Enough said. haha Thats it. :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This makes my sunday..

When I hear Kyla giggling in the background! She's so happy today! Want to know what else makes my Sunday? Going shopping! It's not going to be much fun, because im forced to leave her with Tyler. He says I don't get out much without her and I need this time to be 'not on mommy duty'. Makes sense.. Because I never get out without her, but it's because I can't stand to be without her! I'm worried I am just going to want to rush home and be with her. I'm so pathetic! haha. I will try to have a good time.. I promise! Update on Kyla: She is going through the 'i want to be independent stage'. It's so darn cute though! She wants to pick out her clothes every day, she picks out her own 'socks' and 'soes', and even wants to walk to the car (NOT CARRIED) and climb in herself. Oh and the most recent thing.. she wants to wipe herself when getting her diaper changed! Where did my little baby go?! I really want to work on potty training her when it gets warm out.. which hopefully will be soon! I've been reading a lot about it online and I think im going to try the three-day training or whatever it's called. Pretty much your letting the child run naked. I think I am going to give that a shot and maybe it will work. Or maybe not. We'll see. I am trying to stay positive though! She is young still (Only seventeen months old) so if she decides she's not ready i'll just wait. I don't want to be one of those parents that drives themselves crazy because their child just isn't catching on. (So if you notice I'm doing that please let me know!) haha. Well I think that's all for now. Hopefully I find some cute stuff for kyla while I'm out shopping!

Friday, March 25, 2011

So Insane!

So I put my blog as private because I was going to post pictures of Kyla (because I have that whole crazy fear thing going on). Well I am no longer going to post pictures of her at all! (Sorry Guys) Because my fears definately came true (not for me, luckily, but they happened to someone else). Theres a blog that I follow and she just posted about some woman stealing her pictures (Of her and her daughter) and posting them on the internet and claiming it's her.. with a different name and everything. It's insane! Perfect reason I did not want pictures of my daughter on the internet. Any creeper could take those pictures and post them ANYWHERE claiming kyla is theirs and what not. And strange people can see the pictures and it's just retarded. Nothing is safe on the internet. For real. So now I am really going to keep pictures of kyla off of here. For good. But a positive my blog will stay public so people will actually know when I post. (I hate that about being private). People can steal my words and crap, but stealing pictures of my daughter.. heck no! I know there is a way to make it so people can't do that, but I dont know how. So for people that do post pictures of their children on here (i am not bashing you in any way, by the way!) Make sure you keep on the look out for crazy creepers like the person who did this! That's all for now. :)