Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

I am so blessed

I can truly desribe myself in one word - lucky. I have the greatest fiance in the world and the most beautiful daughter in the world and it all started in July of 08. I just recently got out of a four year relationship and a relationship was far from my mind. I just wanted to have fun! Plus, I was still trying to get over my ex. About an hour before I met Tyler I just got into an argument with my ex-boyfriend so I was so aggravated. I met up with my best friend Chelsey and her boyfriend Tyler. Well it just so happened that Tyler's cousin was there with his best friend Tyler. There was something there from the moment I seen him, but I never knew what. We talked a little and that was about it. I ended up finding him on myspace about a week later. A week after that he messaged me and we talked for hours. It's been history ever since. We started dating August 27,2008 and got engaged December 1,2008. He moved in around January and we found out we were pregnant in Febuary. That was the shock of my life! I kept looking at the test to make sure it still said positive. I was scared, but it ended up fine. I had my beautiful baby girl October 15,2009 weighing 6lbs 3 oz and 19 inches long. The first time seeing her was love at first sight. It was amazing to finally meet the little girl who was living inside of me for nine months. Now, 6 and a half months later she is growing like a weed and is becoming smarter and smarter every day. I love watching her grow and learn new things! It is such a blessing. Although motherhood is such a wonderful experience, it is also very difficult. I think having a child is the hardest things I have ever done. It put a huge strain on Tyler and I's relationship. We went from never fighting to being at each others throats constantly. I think juggling her and school was the hardest. My senior year of high school I had a 4.0 gpa and I knew I had to keep that going in college. The semester Kyla was born I also had a 4.0. Than it went completely down hill. I went from being a 4.0 student to barelly passing. I ended up having to drop a few classes which I never seen myself doing. I felt like I was a failure, but what else was there to do? Taking care of Kyla and trying to find time to do school work was almost impossible. I know that it will probably never get any easier. I want to get my education and I know now that it is just going to take longer than I intended. I really wish I would have waited to have children. I want to give Kyla the world and I know we would have been able to do that better if we had her when we were finished with school and had stable careers. I wouldn't trade her for the world though. She brought a meaning to my life and I love being her mommy even though it is a struggle. She means the absolute world to me and I am excited to see where life leads our little family!